Friday, 17 July 2009

Partner Certification Training - Lean Manufacturing for Microsoft Dynamics AX

Q: What is eBECS’ role going forward?

A: The solution is sold, maintained and supported by Microsoft. eBECS has a very good knowledge of the solution, and they are the "Lean Centre of Excellence for training and certification”, visit for more details..

Q: Will a partner need any certification to sell, implement and support Lean Manufacturing for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009?

A: Partners must be certified through the certification program provided by eBECS in order to sell, implement and support the solution.

The partner certification programme consists of 2 courses:

Course 1: Positioning Lean Manufacturing for Microsoft Dynamics AX in your Sales Engagement

Course 2: Demonstrating Lean Manufacturing for Microsoft Dynamics AX

Please visit the Microsoft Event Registration to book a place, the first training is scheduled in Atlanta, US August 17th to 21st.

In order for a partner to be certified to sell Lean Manufacturing in Microsoft Dynamics AX the partner will need to ensure that a minimum of two of their consultants have attended and passed this certification program. It will be expected that attendees are experienced in the areas of Inventory, Production and Master Planning and have achieved relevant certification on Microsoft Dynamics AX in those areas.

In addition to the certification course, a one week follow-up course is available for attendees who have already completed the certification course. This 5-day classroom based course “Implementing a Lean Enterprise on Dynamics AX” will build on the certification class and include an introduction to the additional capability that eBECS provides. The course will provide attendees the opportunity to practice their knowledge on more advanced case studies. This is not a certification requirement, but is strongly recommended for those consultants who will be expected to install and configure the Lean Manufacturing module following a successful sales engagement.

It may take some time for partners to achieve certification and it maybe that some partners, whilst interested in including Lean in their marketing campaigns, will not want to undertake the certification program. To help partners either as an interim support mechanism or as a longer term relationship, eBECS provides a sales and implementation support service agreed uniquely with each partner. For more information on this please get in touch with us at to understand how this can work for your partner organisation.

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